Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services
The Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services serves all members of the UHCL 社区. 我们的合作伙伴 Center for 学生权益及社区 (CSAC) is a resource for student programming and support.
The mission of the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services at the UHCL is simple, it is to promote an academically, socially and culturally inclusive and enriching climate, leveraged for all members of the UHCL 社区 and beyond. 一个是 members are free to learn, expand and challenge. We also seeks to foster the platform that recognizes citizenship as well as scholarship in student and 社区 development. Through inclusive leadership excellence and strategic planning, we purpose to empower students, faculty, and staff in building a diverse and inclusive campus 社区. The Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services strives to be transformative 在目的...facilitating actionable and sustainable efforts to transition our 社区 into a space where all will be positioned for growth and one's voice and value recognized, in an ever-changing global 社区.
Over the next 3 to 5 years, the Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services will set out to posture itself as a resource with subject matter expertise for the following: diversity, equity, inclusion, title ix, affirmative action, cultural competence and inclusive leadership also be an office of industry leading practitioners for the UHCL 社区 and beyond. As critically aligned with the universities Strategic plan, purposing to assist UHCL in achieving its mission as a regional, public access, 全面的溪. Our vision for excellence includes transforming itself and higher education by attracting, retaining and leveraging the talents of diverse individuals to facilitate first-rate teaching, learning, scholarship and service in a welcoming 以及包容的气候.
- ADA (Americans with Disabilities) 504 and 508
- 第七章和第九条
- 合规
- University Policy Violation Investigations
- Educating UHCL of warning signs, next practices and reporting and services
- 残疾歧视 (Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act)
- 性别歧视 (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972)
- Questions and Answers on the Title IX Regulations on Sexual Harassment (PDF) (July 2021 - United States Department of Education, Office for 公民权利)
- Race and National Origin Discrimination (Title VII of the 公民权利 Act of 1964)
- Dear Colleague Letters and Other Policy Guidance
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act)
- Text of the Higher Education Opportunity Act
- Higher Education Opportunity Act Information Page
- Postsecondary Policy Initiatives
- 致合作伙伴/同事的信
- 协商制定
- Foreign Gifts and Contracts--Section 117 of the 高等教育法 of 1965